Introduction to RTL8720DN

Introduction to Realtek RTL8720DN.

Introduction to Realtek MCUs

  • RTL8720DN
    Realtek RTL8720DN is a Wi-Fi and Bluetooth IC that supports 2.4GHz and 5GHz dual bands for Wi-Fi communication, and Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) 5.0.
    BW16 TypeC board

RTL8720DN typeC

BW16-TypeC Pinmap

setup Arduino IDE

  • Preferences -> Additional Boards Manager URLs :

  • select Tools -> Board -> Boards Manager...

  • search Realtek Ambeba boards, then click Install

  • select (BW16)RTL8720DN

  • check Board’s name & Port name: /dev/ttyUSB0

  • set UART baud rate to 115200 Tools>Serial Monitor> set baud to 115200

  • Ubuntu: chmod /dev/ttyUSB0 available to all users
    sudo chmod 777 /dev/ttyUSB0

  • first-time using the board
    • Select Tools -> Erase Flash -> Enable to erase flash once
    • Select Tools -> Erase Flash -> Disable for the rest flashing
    • Select Tools -> Auto Upload Mode -> Disable

  • error: Enter Uart Download Mode
    1. press & hold Burn, then press RST
    2. release RST, then release Burn
    3. upload again

This site was last updated June 01, 2023.